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GCFEO Weekly activity details are shown below
Monday GCFEO Guided Walk.
9.30am - apx. 11am.
(or 9am at Trinity Centre for those wanting a lift)
We hold regular blocks of 6 x guided walks across the year.
TBA (different venue every week
Contact us for exact dates).
Monday Workshop Session.
1.30pm to 3.30pm.
The Caves
(Open to all ex-offenders)
Tuesday Drop-in Session.
1.30pm - 3.30pm.
The Caves
(Coffee, Chat & Games)
Wednesday Workshop Session.
10.00am - Midday.
The Caves.
Wednesday GCFEO Light Lunch.
(Free simple hot lunch)
12.30pm - 1.30pm.
The Caves
Open to all ex-offenders
Wednesday Workshop Session.
1.30pm - 3.30pm
The Caves.
(Open to all ex-offenders)
Wednesday Community Roast.
Second Wednesday of the month.
Trinity Centre.
(Free of charge, full roast dinner & dessert)
Thursday Community Cafe.
9.00am - 2pm
Trinity Centre.
Community cafe open to all.
Thursday Church.
7pm - 9pm
Trinity Church.
All welcome for those ex-offenders wanting
to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere.
Friday Community Cafe.
9.00am - 2pm
Trinity Centre
Community cafe open to all.

Scheduled dates for the next GCFEO walking group

Lifts from Trinity Centre at 9am Sharp
(or we'll text you the venue and meet you there)
CONTACT: 07781 124052

Dates Scheduled:
Currently there are no walking dates scheduled.
Information on future dates for the walking group to be announced and published in due course.
Feel free to give our friendly team a call if you have any questions, we're here to help.